Of the more than 1,000 high-risk children Relief Nursery works with each year, 97% do not require any reports to DHS after one year in Relief Nursery programs. This is astonishing given that the normal rate of success is only 50% without access to additional support services.
The U.S. Office of Child Abuse and Neglect designated Relief Nursery an “Innovative Program of Noteworthy Aspects.”
Click here to learn more about the effectiveness of Relief Nursery programs and the extraordinary outcomes for our children and families.
Oregon’s Relief Nurseries show impressive results in reducing the number of days Relief Nursery children spend in costly out of home placements.
An independent evaluation of Oregon Relief Nursery programs for 2007-2008 found that Relief Nursery children are less likely to be abused following their enrollment in the program, and Relief Nursery children are more likely than children statewide to be reunited with their parents.
Click here to read the key findings of the NPC Research Report.
“Relief Nursery plays an important role in keeping our children safe from abuse and neglect. Child maltreatment continues to be a significant problem and studies show that children who are abused and neglected are substantially more likely to be arrested and commit violent crimes as adults. By investing in proven crime prevention strategies we can reduce the number of offenders entering the criminal justice system, protecting our limited public safety resources.
Join me in supporting Relief Nursery and their programs proven to keep children safe in their homes, avoid foster care, reduce maltreatment risk factors and many more proven crime prevention strategies.”
Former Sheriff Byron Trapp, Lane County
To support Relief Nursery as a donor, click here.